Animal Rescue Adopt A Thon at the Park

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On Sunday, June 5th 2016 the Horse Park of New Jersey in Allentown will be hosting the very first Animal Rescue Adopt A Thon! From the hours of 9am to 4pm over 50 animal rescues and 501c3 groups as well as over 35 vendors from the community will gather together for an amazing event. “Our … Continued

The Millstone Community Garden Ready for Planting

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By Pam Teel The Millstone Community Garden, located on the grounds of the United Presbyterian Church in Millstone, is alive again with the coming of spring. With a productive first year behind them, gardeners are beginning to get their plots ready for planting. Located at 211 Millstone Road, the garden is on the left-hand side … Continued

Don't Feel Guilty About Taking Your Child To Daycare

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By C. Leis Academic Excellence Isn’t The Only Benefit Of Child Care Modern society tends to place greater emphasis on academic and financial excellence, with less concern on social and personal development. In fact, from such a perspective, you would assume that academic and financial excellence would easily make up for any deficiency in social … Continued

Zika And Pregnancy

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Zika virus disease (Zika) spreads to people mainly through the bite by two species of infected mosquitoes, one of which is more likely to transmit Zika. In past outbreaks, most people have not gotten sick, so people may not even know they are infected. Based on current knowledge, the greatest risk for complications from Zika … Continued