The Impact of the Tech. Boom on Housing

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Combining Census Bureau and Zillow Housing Data Show Rise in Rental Prices and Home Values in Tech-Rich Areas By: Earlene K.P. Dowell You’ve heard of the “Amazon Effect.” Now you can see it. By combining U.S. Census Bureau data and their own housing listings, economists from Zillow, an online real estate search engine, have been … Continued

Budgeting For Homeownership

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Budgeting is important when considering homeownership! You, as the owner, will need to be able to cover any sudden house-related expenses that come up in addition to your regular monthly expenses. When creating your new monthly budget, remember to add the following new costs: • Property taxes and special assessments • Home/hazard insurance• Property maintenance• … Continued

The Logic of Logos and Catchphrases

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By Pam Teel In business, a slogan is “a catchphrase or small group of words that are combined in a special way to identify a product or company,” In many ways, theyare like mini-mission statements. Companies have slogans for the same reason they have logos: advertising. While logos are visual representations of a brand, slogans … Continued

Governor Signs Dancer Resolution Calling on Congress to Feed Hungry Service Members

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Gov. Phil Murphy signed a joint resolution Friday sponsored by Assembly man Ron Dancer that urges Congress to pass the Military Hunger Prevention Act to give service members access to nutritional assistance. TheU.S. government estimates as many as 23,000 active duty U.S. troops receive food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. Countless more fail … Continued