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By Pam Teel

Ten-year-old Giulia Gardella is in the fifth grade at the Elms El- ementary School in Jackson. She loves her Art teacher and loves being in art class. She also loves being with her friends.

Her other two favorite subjects are writing and reading. Giulia gets all A’s and B’s in her classes.

She would love to be a teacher or an artist one day.

Giulia loves to read fiction books. Her favorite book to read is PIE, by Shara Weeks.

Her favorite song is Lucid Dreams by Post Malone. Giulia loves to watch Shark Tank and Impractical Jokers on TV.

Giulia’s favorite food to eat is Pizza, Cheese, and pretzels!

Her hobbies include, Art, dance, piano, surfing, basketball, snow- boarding, and skateboarding.

Her favorite sports are also dancing, surfing, basketball, skate- boarding and snowboarding.

Her favorite places to visit are Florida, Lake George, Pennsylvania and NYC. She loves Broadway!

Giulia lives with her mom and dad and two sis- ters. She likes to spend time together them and go places together. She also likes to play outside. She’s very lucky because her grandparents and cousins live close to her so she gets to enjoy time together with them too.

Her favorite holiday is Christmas but she also loves her birthdays!

Giulia has 3 pet goldfish. She wished that she had a dog but her cousins have 3 dogs, two are puppies and she likes them as though they were her own.

If Giulia had but one wish she would want to go to Disney this summer.

Keep up the great grades in school Giulia and continue to pursue your interests in art!

***Attention Allentown, Hightstown, East Windsor, Millstone, Etc, if you have a child that you feel deserves a shout out for Student of the Month please email me at: and I’ll send you a form. Your child doesn’t have to get straight A’s but does have to show a genuine love for learning. ***