The Keto Diet And Exercise

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By Lauren Kolacki

The keto diet is a low-carb diet. It’s a diet, with an intake of around seventy percent fats, twenty-five percent proteins, and five percent carbs. People who eat this diet aim to induce a state known as “ketosis”.

There are four different types of exercises recommended during ketosis to help you maximize your weight loss and maintain a healthy lifestyle. These are:

Flexibility Exercises

These exercises stretch out your muscles, improve your range of motion, and support your joints. This can prevent injuries. A great way to perform this sort of exercise is by stretching after a workout or doing some yoga.

Stability Exercises

These exercises are what we use to train our cores and improve our ability to balance. This aids proper alignment, movement control, and muscle strength.

Anaerobic Exercises

High-intensity interval training and weight training are considered anaerobic. These exercises use short bursts of energy and carbs are the primary fuel.

Aerobic Exercises

These exercises are low-intensity and fat-burning, also known as cardio exercises. Examples include sessions on the elliptical or long walks.

Cardio exercise would be your main goal each day because it burns fat, which is the primary calorie source in a keto diet. Try eating around fifteen to thirty grams of “fast-acting” carbohydrates, like fruit, within a thirty minutes window before your workout and after it. This will give your muscles just the right amount of glycogen to complete the workout and recover from it, ensuring that your body doesn’t leave ketosis. Your body will only use these carbs for the workout! Other than that, you can continue to eat your normal ketogenic diet for the remainder of the day. Because you are engaging in a workout that burns mainly carbs instead of fats.
