What is a Knobbed Whelk? 

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By: Nazli Mohideen 

New Jersey, for many reasons, is a unique state with the fact that it is only one of fourteen to have a designated state seashell being one of them. Since 1995, New Jersey’s state seashell has been the Knobbed Whelk, otherwise known as the Busycon carica or conch shell. The shell, however, is also Georgia’s state seashell. 

The Knobbed Whelk has a dull tan color with streaks of gray surrounding the outer shell. The shell also has a spiral-like pattern to the right side and a bright orange interior where a big, sea snail lives. The shell itself can be found in an array of different colors along the Atlantic Coast in tidal estuaries in addition to New Jersey bays and beaches. 

The Knobbed Whelk can grow up to 9 inches in length and is rarely found entirely intact. 

The hard outer shell allows for protection of the snail inside which typically eats mussels, clams, and oysters to survive. On the other hand, blue crabs, urchins, and sea stars are all predators of the Knobbed Whelk.

Humans, also, are known to prey on the Knobbed Whelk. While the shells are kept for collecting purposes, the snails are eaten, too. When the meat inside is sold, it is called, “scungilli”–meaning sliced conch. Scungilli, like caviar, is a delicacy. It is particularly popular in Caribbean culture. 

The meat can be eaten raw or cooked depending on what type of dish it is being served as. Sliced conch is commonly used in seafood salads and pasta dishes. Some even enjoy the meat in chowders or just served by itself in tomato sauce. 

In all its beauty, the Knobbed Whelk can live up to 40 years. Interestingly enough, they are known to be protandric hermaphrodites–meaning the organism changes its sex during its lifetime. In this case, the Knobbed Whelk is born male and changes into female over time. 

They reproduce by laying eggs semiannually in water which hatch anywhere from three to 13 months since they have been initially laid. 

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