Transition to Adulthood: What Happens Legally When My Child Turns 18?

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As parents, we witness our children’s journey from infancy to adolescence, guiding them through life’s milestones along the way. Yet, one of the most significant transitions occurs when our children turn 18, marking their entry into legal adulthood. With this milestone comes a shift in rights and responsibilities, both for them and for us as parents. Not only does this happen for those who go away to college but also for those who move out or stay home under our roof. we’ll explore what happens legally when your child turns 18 and how you can navigate this transition smoothly.

On your child’s 18th birthday, they legally become adults, and with that designation comes a significant change in their rights and privileges. From a legal standpoint, you no longer have the authority to make decisions on their behalf without their consent. This shift can be particularly challenging in situations where your child requires assistance, such as in medical emergencies or financial matters.

To prepare for this transition, consider discussing the importance of legal documents such as Powers of Attorney with your child. A General Durable Power of Attorney allows them to appoint someone to manage their financial affairs if they become incapacitated, ensuring that you can continue to assist them with financial matters.

Similarly, a Power of Attorney for Healthcare grants someone the authority to make medical decisions on their behalf if they are unable to do so. Encouraging your child to create these legal documents is a proactive step in ensuring their well-being and your ability to assist them when needed.

Another crucial document to consider is a HIPAA waiver, which permits healthcare providers to share medical information with specified individuals, such as parents or trusted family members. Having a HIPAA waiver in place can be invaluable during medical emergencies, ensuring swift access to critical information.

While legal documents are essential, open and honest communication with your child is equally important. Discuss their healthcare preferences, financial decisions, and expectations from you as a parent. Encourage them to consider creating these legal documents not only for your peace of mind but also for their own protection.

As your child approaches adulthood, ensure they have the legal support and protection they need by discussing these matters openly and collaboratively. Our firm is here to help you navigate this transition with compassion and expertise, so don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance. There is nothing more jarring then getting a 911 call and not have the capability to act on their behalf.

By preparing for the legal implications of your child’s 18th birthday, you can ensure a smooth transition to adulthood and provide them with the support they need to thrive independently.