God Loves You More Than You Will Ever Know!

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By Richard Mabey Jr.

It is when we feel defeated, down-trodden, saddened, or depressed, is just the time that we need to dig deep within ourselves, to bounce back with a greater inner strength. No matter how dismal things may look, the one thing that none of us can afford to do, is to give in to feelings of defeat and surrender. No matter how grim a situation may look, we still need to look for hope, faith and inward encouragement.

God loves you more than you will ever know. God’s love is infinite. It knows no boundaries. God’s love for you, is the love that brings the peace that passes all understanding. Hold dearly to this truth. Hold fast to the principle that the Divine One, who created the universe, deeply cares about your well-being.

Since September of last year, I have been to three different cardiologists, in search of treatment for my Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. I want to be very sensitive here. The three doctors that I went to, at different times, were all very sincere. I believe they were doing their very best to help me with my HCM. But the hard, cold truth is that they did not really have the specialization of working with treatments for HCM. It was not their fault. HCM affects one in 500 people. So, the average cardiologist does not come across a lot of patients with HCM.

I prayed and prayed and prayed to find a doctor who was very well versed in treating HCM. I never gave up. I focused my energies into deep prayer. I held steadfast focus. The kind of focus that a soldier might hold in heart and mind, just before facing a battle.

As if the odds were a million to one, the door opened for me to be seen by a cardiologist at the University of Florida Medical Center (Shands) who specialized in treating patients with HCM. My specific classification of HCM is known as Apical HCM. It requires very, very specific treatments and prescription meds. And, yes, the meds are rather expensive.

Am I out of the woods now? Not by a long stretch. But with my new prescription meds, I have been getting less and less chest pains. I’m not as easily winded. Yes, I still do get chest pains. But they are not as frequent as they once were. And now, I can walk around the block, without getting overwhelmingly winded. I’m making some degree of progress to getting back on track.

I am convinced, without a shadow of a doubt, that the door that opened to my getting treatment at UF Med Center, was the result of deep prayers, holding steadfast faith, and persevering with a laser-focused energy on finding a path to healing.

Know this: God loves you more than you will ever know. Miracles really do happen. Prayer is the key to unlocking the doors that are holding you back. A deep belief in a miracle, coming to you in your life, is essential for supernatural events to unfold. Hold deeply to this golden truth: God loves you more than you will ever know. Pray, pray, pray and then pray even more for a miracle to come into your life.

Truly, expect a miracle to come into your life!        

Richard Mabey Jr. is a freelance writer. He hosts a YouTube Channel titled, “Richard Mabey Presents.” Richard most recently published a book of poetry and short stories. He can be reached at richardmabeyjr@hotmail.com.