The Millstone Times January 2019
Resolutions can range from behavior changes to new goals depending on your lifestyle and goals. Perhaps you want to spend this New Year becoming healthy or you have made a goal to reach the next level in your career. Either way, there are tips you can use to be certain that your goal is achieved.
PLAN YOUR RESOLUTION A resolution should not be made in the spur of the moment as the holiday approaches. Take a few months leading up to the New Year to create a resolution and a plan how you will achieve it. While you should sprinkle in different goals for yourself throughout the year, only choose one resolution each year. This should be your main focus. Be sure to choose one that is extremely important to you and one you can put the majority of your efforts into achieving.
MOVING FORWARD Define sub-goals that will eventually guide you in completing your main resolution. These sub-goals should be limited by certain dates throughout the year. Set small rewards for yourself as these sub-goals are achieved. These will be used to regain motivation and also show that progress is being made. Keep a journal for different milestones you achieve during your journey. These notes also can be used as helpful reminders if you feel that you are slipping away from your goal.
DON’T GET DISCOURAGED It’s important to remember that you are human. You will likely stray from your New Year’s resolution from time to time. The important thing to remember is that any setback is not permanent and is no reason to give up. Find family members or friends who also are committing to a resolution and use each other as a support system. Kind words can be great motivation to stay on path.