Excitement is building for 300 plus residents in the area who have already experienced the healing and tranquil benefits of T’ai Chi Chih: Joy thru Movement, as the advanced form of this practice will be offered in the fall. “Our students report that arthritis and joint issues improve with practicing T’ai Chi Chih and even their golf game!” states local accredited teacher, Siobhan Hutchinson. “This daily practice has changed my life and I credit it for creating not only physical balance with my tricky knee, but also for centering balance in spirit. Now, folks are ready for learning the advanced form, Seijaku.”
Seijaku is a Japanese term meaning stillness in the midst of activity or chaos! This is taught to serious students ready for the next step in developing or cultivating what the Chinese call, Chi or intrinsic energy. It is a very powerful practice and Siobhan gently mentions that some report an increase in libido, although she finds it works with “pushing through life’s challenges.”
Beginner’s T’ai Chi Chih will be offered in the fall on Tuesday evenings at 6pm and Seijaku class will be at the same time later in the week. Details are being worked out with the American Legion in New Egypt.
Reiki, a Japanese term meaning Universal Life Force, is another Energy Medicine technique of which Dr. Mehmet Oz frequently states, “Energy Medicine is the next frontier.” Many have experienced the soothing, calming peace of Reiki from volunteers at area hospitals, assisted living, and homecare companies. Everyone can learn to do Reiki and it is natural. Clients are fully clothed and need not have direct touch to experience its benefits. Siobhan with Patricia Stevens of Studio 64 at the Inn at Laurita will be co-hosts of Reiki shares at monthly gatherings beginning in September at the beautiful Studio 64. Anyone may attend these sessions to learn and experience Reiki, but RSVPs are a must.
A recent Reiki 1 practitioner and area resident has this to say about the experience: “I turned 50 this year. With that amazing milestone, I decided to do some amazing things! One of those was to become Reiki certified. I took my first class with Siobhan in May, and will continue on to becoming a Reiki Master…not so much to teach people how to treat others with Reiki, but to treat themselves. The transformation I felt from the very beginning…a closer connection to the earth…a more gentle connection to myself, and my imperfections…a more peaceful feeling towards all living creatures (yes, even spiders…yikes!) My intentions are to one day be able to share this calm, peaceful and loving joy I now feel thanks to my Reiki knowledge. Thank you Siobhan! I can’t wait for my ‘Next Step’ with you!”
To register for T’ai Chi Chih, Seijaku, or learn more about the Reiki shares, contact Siobhan at Siobhan@NextStepStrategiesLLC.com or call her at 609-752-1048. Visit the website at www.NextStepStrategiesLLC.com.