By Brianna Siciliano
When searching for the perfect college match for a student athlete, it is important to keep all the factors that colleges have to offer in mind. Student athletes are still students, after all; they will still have to pay attention academically, complete homework assignments, and study for tests while pursuing their athletic dreams. Being a college athlete takes motivation, organization, and dedication, and the transition from a high school student and athlete to a college student and athlete can be tough. To find the perfect school for your student athlete, do your best to keep all of this in mind.
As you research different colleges, try to focus on every factor that students need to look for. Research different school sizes, retention rates, diversity, locations, sports, and clubs. Above all, look for a school that offers your child’s sport(s) and major. Is your child unsure of the major that he/she wants to pursue? If so, look for colleges that offer a wide variety of majors. Your child will have a much better chance of finding the right college for him or her when there are many options available.
Are you afraid to look into schools that have not yet reached out to your son or daughter? Don’t be! Student athletes need to get their name out and initiate their interests of schools and teams. Are you ruling out schools because they are not D1, D2, or D3? Try not to! It is more important to focus on the schools that want your athlete to attend their school and be a part of their team. Student athletes are looking for chances to improve, excel, play in games, and get the most out of their college experience.
When doing your research on the schools, try to avoid “party schools.” Seek out schools where teammates and coaches will motivate your student athlete, and where peers and coaches will inspire your athlete to dream big for not just his or her athletic career, but for his or her life overall!
A great way to find the perfect school for your student athlete is to have them write down their athletic life goals and their non-athletic life goals. After finalizing their list, have your soon-to-be college student assess the colleges that he or she is interest in based on how they will help him or her achieve both their athletic and non-athletic goals. Remember that the college your child chooses to attend will be their home for the next few years. It is important that your athlete feels comfortable on the school grounds that he or she will soon be a part of. Keep all of these helpful hints in mind when searching for the perfect college.