Millstone Eagles Cheer Team Competes in Disney World for National Title

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Dedication, hard work, and commitment are evident in this winning team. They started out on August 4th as a group of girls looking forward to a new cheer season and ended it on December 8th as National Champions. The Millstone Eagles Jr. Pee Wee Cheer team competed in Disney World on December 8, 2014, for … Continued

Does a Room’s Temperature Affect Our Metabolism?

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By Brianna Siciliano Something that most people do not know is that human beings have two main types of fat: white fat and brown fat. White fat stores extra energy, and when your body has too many white fat cells, risks for diseases (like type two diabetes) increase. Brown fat, on the other hand, burns … Continued

Benefits of Vitamin D for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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By Brianna Siciliano Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease in which a body’s immune system attacks––instead of protecting––a body’s joints. The body’s abnormal immune response causes inflammation that can damage joints and organs, including the heart. About 1.5 million people in the United States have rheumatoid arthritis, and most of these people suffer symptoms … Continued

Can Drinking Milk Be Harmful? Dairy Facts Revealed

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By Brianna Siciliano People always wonder about the health benefits and concerns with dairy. In the past, there have been drastic trending weight-loss programs designed to exclude dairy products from daily diets, like the Paleo Diet. Many people on the program lost weight, but in the long-run, their bones suffered. Dairy products are essential for bone … Continued

Soar Like an Eagle

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Millstone Boy Scout Troop 116 is proud to announce that two of their scouts, Derek Matthews and Michael Sosa, have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. The Eagle award is the highest and most coveted rank in Scouting. It is the last major step in the advancement program of Boy Scouts. In any one hundred … Continued

Live Long and Prosper – Medical Breakthroughs in 2014

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By Susan Heckler The medical, scientific and healthcare communities are always busy trying to find new cures and new technology to assist patients and medical professionals to manage patient care. Some of the big breakthroughs for 2014 are: • Newly-developed drugs called “B-cell receptor pathway inhibitors” have been highly effective in treating low-grade B-cell lymphomas and … Continued

Is Writing a Lost Art?

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By Marlene Bohnyak, Owner/Instructor Not at Artisan Studio where we treasure the arts of writing and illustration … for kids! Do you remember going to the library and actually taking out a book, a physical, tangible object that you could hold, smell, feel and enjoy? Turning back a page because it was either a bit … Continued

Home Maintenance to Keep Your Home Healthy This Winter

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By Brianna Siciliano Humans and cars have needs for annual checkups and tune ups in order to keep in the best shape possible, and unsurprisingly, homes need annual checkups too! Proper up-keep of households can protect your home from expensive afflictions, ensure safety, enhance curb appeal, and maintain your home’s value. Spending a little bit of … Continued

What Is COPD? How Does It Affect Breathing?

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COPD is a serious lung disease that, over time, makes it hard to breathe. You may also have heard COPD called other names, like emphysema or chronic bronchitis. In people who have COPD, the airways—tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs—are partially blocked, which makes it hard to get air in and … Continued

Medication Safety for Children

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By Jennifer Cochran Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. It maybe frightening to give a young child certain medications knowing that too much or too little can cause serious side effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double- checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and prevent dangerous reactions. Using … Continued