Family FYI: Medication Safety

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Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. It may be frightening to give a young child certain medications knowing that too much or too little can cause serious effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double-checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and prevent dangerous reactions. Using medications safely means knowing … Continued

Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence Awards Over $48K in Grants to Local Schools

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Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence (MTFEE) awarded three grants totaling $26,670 to Millstone Township Schools. In January, MTFEE awarded five grants totaling $22,215.60. Between its two grant cycles this school year, MTFEE awarded a total of $48,885.60. Since 2002, MTFEE has awarded more than $486,670 to its schools. There are currently more than 60 … Continued

Why Try Yoga?

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There are many branches of yoga, a 5,000 year old discipline from India. Regardless of which type you choose, yoga is an excellent way to stretch and strengthen your body, focus your mind, and relax your spirit. No style is better than another; it’s 
a matter of personal preference. Yoga has been known to increase … Continued

Soaking Up the Sun

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An entire industry has evolved to help us avoid the sun and the harm it can do to our health. Sunscreen, sunblock, special clothing, eye wear and hats have been researched and designed so our bodies are not exposed to the sun’s rays. These products are marketed to us and pray upon our fears, with … Continued

Hand Gestures Help Kids Learn Math

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Using hand gestures may help children learn mathematics better, according to a recent study. Researchers at the University of Chicago led by Miriam A. Novack, taught 90 school children how to solve a basic equation, and then assigned them to three experimental groups. One group used magnetic number tiles to solve the problem, while another … Continued

Millstone Writer Has Her First Book Published

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By Pam Teel Jolene Hart graduated from Allentown High School in 1999. From there she attended Bucknell University where she majored in English and Spanish. Hart enjoyed writing for the school newspaper and interning at a publishing house in London where she contributed her articles to several magazines. She credits her love for writing as … Continued

In the Heat of the Moment

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Congratulations, you have survived the ‘Winter from Hell.’ The trees are budding and the first signs of spring have sprung. It seems a long way away, but we need to start thinking about summer and the hot weather. Heat Awareness Day is May 23, 2014. Anyone who is exposed to extreme heat or hot environments … Continued

The Babysitting Files – Tips and Advice from “Sitter Jamie” 

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For Parents: It is  a competitive market when it comes to getting and keeping a good sitter these days. You’ll need to make your home a comfortable place for them to be. Pay Rate: In Central New Jersey, the starting rate for a babysitter is $10.50 an hour, and it goes up from there. Obviously, the … Continued

Support Special Olympics USA Games in New Jersey June 14-21

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By Susan Heckler New Jersey will be the host for this year’s Special Olympics USA Games. From June 14-21, nearly 3,500 athletes will compete in 16 Olympic-style team and individual sports. According to their website, “The Special Olympics USA Games will celebrate the Special Olympics movement, promote the ideals of acceptance and inclusion through sport … Continued

Digestive Wellness – Avoiding Tummy Troubles

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There is so much information floating around about digestive wellness that deciphering it all can make you sick to your stomach. Back in ‘the day,’ you ate what you ate and suffered the consequences. We knew little about the connection between the food we ate and how we feel, physically and emotionally. Many people are … Continued