Aging Gracefully

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Getting older doesn’t mean you have to lose your style, grace or good looks. Aging gracefully is an art, and one that you can master with practice and healthy habits. Stay Positive You know the saying. You are as young as you feel. Well, attitude plays a big role in determining exactly how we feel … Continued

DIABETES: Choosing the Right Glucose Meter

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By Stefanie Maglio Blood glucose meters are small, computerized devices that measure and show your blood glucose level. This information then allows you and your doctor to figure out how food, exercise, medications, stress, and other things can affect your blood glucose. This is fairly important as it will help to create a better treatment … Continued

Monroe Township Chorus to Present 9/11 Musical Tribute

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By Pam Teel The Monroe Township Chorus consists of seniors from different senior complexes in Monroe who share a love for singing and a patriotism to their country, putting on several free concerts during the calendar year. The ensemble consists of approximately 63 senior members who perform together to commemorate and bring attention to certain … Continued

Choosing a School

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Parents have a growing array of options in choosing a school, though the extent of the options varies from state to state. The enactment of the landmark No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; the rapid growth of the charter school movement; the increasing number of states enacting scholarship and tax credit programs for students … Continued

Preschool & Kindergarten Math Milestones

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Your child’s developmental process is unique. To guide you, education experts have mapped a few basic Pre-K & kindergarten math skills to help you track your child’s development in different mathematical areas. Numbers During their third year, many children can tell their age and hold up that many fingers to demonstrate. During the fourth year, … Continued

Little things you can do to burn fat

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When trying to lose weight, the main goal of any exercise program should be to increase your metabolism enough to where it is burning more calories than you are consuming. Not only is your metabolism involved in this procedure, but the type of food you eat is just as important. Your metabolism can burn the … Continued

My Son Has Asthma and Takes a Steroid Medication to Control It. His Doctor Said This Might Affect His Bones. Is There Anything We Can Do About This?

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Asthma itself does not pose a threat to bone health, but some medications used to treat the disease can have a negative effect on bones when taken for a long time. Corticosteroids, a type of anti-inflammatory medication, are often prescribed for asthma. These medications can decrease calcium absorbed from food, increase calcium loss from the … Continued

Question of the Month – August

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QUESTION: My child requires ABA behavior intervention. Which is the better option- home or center based ABA therapy? ANSWER: From The Puzzle Place 3425 US 9 North, Freehold, NJ 07728 Phone: 732-994-7899 You have taken a big first step, acknowledging your child needs help and are now searching for the best you can get for them. Even with center-based therapy, … Continued

Eggshells – a Great Source of Calcium

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By Susan Heckler Calcium benefits have been known for many years, it aids in maintaining bone health and dental health, as well as the prevention of colon cancer and the reduction of obesity. Once touted as a must for youth, it is now understood that we need calcium from cradle to grave. As we get … Continued