Robo Callers

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By, Lauren Kolacki The more popular technology becomes, the easier it is for scammers and telemarketers to gain information about you. Do you ever wonder how they get your number and more importantly, how to make it stop? 1. You overshare your number- every time you sign up for a survey, giveaway, registration, etc. your … Continued

Financial Health

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Question: I would like to be able to have my friend or family member help with my bill-paying and banking. What are my options? Answer: You have several options when deciding to have someone help with your bill paying and banking. These options include opening specific types of checking accounts or creating specific legal documents … Continued

Saving for Retirement Is Important for Your Financial Health

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If your employer has a 401(k) plan and you don’t contrib- ute to it, you’re walking away from one of the best deals out there. Ask your employer if they have a 401(k) plan (or simi- lar plan) and sign up today. If you’re already contributing, try to increase your contribution. If your employer doesn’t … Continued

What Should You Do With an Inherited IRA?

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Individual Retirement Accounts, or IRAs, are quite popular – which means you might inherit one someday. But what should you do with it? First, be aware that you will be required to take at least minimum distributions each year. Depending on what type of IRA you’ve inherited, these amounts may be taxable, so before you … Continued


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By, John Bazzurro In a previous article, I addressed various Statutes of Limitations which basically limit the time within which you are required to file a lawsuit in order to protect your legal interests under certain sce- narios. In addition to Statutes of Limitations, it is important to un- derstand that certain types of cases … Continued

How and When to Talk to Your Friends About Their Mental Health

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By: Anupa Mohan When you log onto social media, chances are you’ll see quiet a few posts sharing a suicide helpline number, fol- lowed by statuses encouraging people to reach out to their friends instead of posting a number to a helpline. While mental health help lines are amazing resources, they aren’t the only resource. … Continued

Use Your Brain

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Learning and experiencing new things is a great way to challenge your brain. Whether you are 25 or 75, it’s always a good time to think about ways to keep your mind healthy. This means being curious about the world around you and learning new things. Keeping your mind sharp has also been proven help … Continued

Broken Hearts are Real

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By, Erin Mumby It turns out that broken hearts are real! Stress cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, is when intense stress causes severe heart muscle weakness. It’s a temporary heart condition caused by stressful situations. The stressors that cause this can be either emotional or physical. Emotional stressors include grief, fear, surprise, and … Continued

Monmouth Vision Associates

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QUESTION: We have always heard of UV protection from the sun but now they are talking about harmful blue lights. What does this mean to me and my health? ANSWER: Dr. Steven Linker, OD UV is short for ultraviolet, a color on the light spectrum. This light is electromagnetic radiation, which is present in sunlight … Continued

Night Time vs. Morning Shower

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By, Lauren Kolacki People have been having the night time versus morning showers debate for years upon years with the base of their argument solely relying on their personal preference. Re- search has shown that there is science behind whether you should shower at night or in the morning. For those who shower in the … Continued