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By John Bazzurro Summer is typically the time for barbecues, get-togethers and parties. Around this time, a lot of my clients ask me whether or not theycanberesponsibleforservingalcoholtotheirguests. Theshort answer in the State of New Jersey is “yes.” New Jersey has a “social host” liability statute (N.J.S.A. 2A: 15-5.6) which allows people to sue for property … Continued


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“Certified Hand Therapist” • Shirish Godbole, OTR,CHT. • Able Hands Rehabilitation PC. HAND is probably the third most important part of our body after the heart that drives us and the brain which guides us. We interact with the environment through our hands and make things happen in our personal or professional life. Hands perform … Continued

Preparing Your Child for Summer Camp

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By YMCA of Western Monmouth County Sending your child to summer camp for the first time can be an exciting, but also worrisome time. You and your child may be feeling similar emotions heading into the season: The combination of excitement mixed with the uncertainty of the program, and concerns about whether your child will … Continued

Marketing Tip- Combine Mediums

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The claims of the death of print media advertising were not only greatly exaggerated- they were dead wrong. Print media advertising isn’t just hanging on, either. Now that digital advertising has been around long enough to be evaluated, it’s clear that the advantages of print media are many. But the best use of print advertising … Continued

Landscaping for Shade

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Solar heat absorbed through windows and roofs can increase cooling costs, and incorporating shade from landscaping elements can help reduce this solar heat gain. Shading and evapotranspiration (the process by which a plant actively moves and releases water vapor) from trees can reduce surrounding air temperatures as much as 6° F. Because cool air settles … Continued

Build a network of advisors when buying a new home

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Buying a home and choosing a mortgage can be complicated. It helps to have people you can talk things over with. People tend to do best when they rely on a network of trusted advisors – not just one person – to help them through the process. Your friends, relatives, and co-workers can all serve … Continued

Secrets to Space Saving

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By: Nicole IuzzolinoThere always comes a time when our once nicely organized closet becomes stuffed with new purchases and impulse buys. Sometimes it becomes so cramped that it is impossible to even find anything in it. Here are the top five tricks to getting your closet clean and organized again. 1: The Clothing Purge While … Continued