Benefits of Summer Camp!

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“I have a conviction that a few weeks spent in a well-organized summer camp may be of more value that a whole year of formal school work” – Charles William Eliot, Harvard University President, 1869-1909. Child development professionals recognize overnight summer camp as an invaluable tool in helping children grow physically, emotionally, intellectually, morally and … Continued

Homework Tips for Kids with ADHD

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By: Mia Ingui Sitting down to focus and complete your homework is no easy task, but add having ADHD, and doing homework can become a near impossible task. Children with attention deficit hyperac- tive disorder, or ADHD, should have special care when it comes to completing their homework in order to keep them focused and … Continued

A Summary of Brain Games for the Elderly

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By Katie Greene Whenever the topic of brain training games comes up, particularly to combat the onset of aging-related dementia, we like to point to this well-researched article. It contains a wealth of information, and a large list of games and activities that are truly beneficial in brain training. However, it is a rather lengthy … Continued

QUESTION: What is the difference between a Medicare Beneficiaries Hospital Admission and Hospital Observation?

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ANSWER: Admission vs. observation can have a major impact on the out of pocket cost for care. Prior to the Affordable Care Act hospitals were not held accountable for the number of readmissions that occurred within a 30 day period, which factored in driving up the cost of healthcare. The ACA now emphasizes “performance”, hospitals … Continued

Amazing Grace

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By Linda McAndrew RN, BSN • Director of Nursing In both the Christian and Jewish religion, Easter and Passover are considered to be two of the most important holidays of the year. Both of these holidays signify hope and transformation and both play an important part in family life. How can we help seniors with … Continued

Grieving Elderly and the Immune System

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By Susan Heckler Any type of loss or trauma throws your entire life into a tailspin. The loss of a loved one can particularly impact your emotional and physical health. When you are under stress, ever notice a change in your blood pressure? It also throws off your cholester- ol levels, brain chemistry, blood sugar … Continued

Synthetic cannabinoids: What are they? What are their effects?

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By Cassandra Mayall Synthetic cannabinoids (“synthetic marijuana,” “Spice,” “K2”) are various manmade chemicals that some people may use as an alternative to marijuana. These seemingly inno- cent little packages of “fake weed” can cause serious side effects that are very different from those of marijuana. Synthetic cannabinoid products can be toxic. As a result, people … Continued

High Dose IV Vitamin C’s Effect on Cancer

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Submitted By. Drs. Joseph Nappi, DC and Sam Joniz, ND Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that cannot be made by the body therefore it must be attained from the diet. It is a powerful antioxidant which helps prevent oxidative stress, and plays a key role in the formation of collagen. When administered by intravenous … Continued