By Susan Heckler
Bullying comes in several forms; it can be physical violence, verbal, or emotional abuse. Sometimes it includes all.
Verbal and emotional abuse can include name calling, continual fault-finding, never giving praise or not even granting one’s existence. Does anyone in your home feel threatened with physical harm if their behavior is not up to a certain standard? If this sounds familiar, your or another family member may be exhibiting bullying behavior in your home. Your child may be learning how to be a bully or respond to a bully within what should be their safe haven. In many cases bullying begins at home.
Your children observe everything you do, from the smallest gesture. You are their role model, so their behavior may model yours.
Where does your family draw the line between sibling rivalry and ostracizing a family member? This may define their role in a bullying situation. If you accept this behavior at home, you are blessing it.
How do you respond when you are angry or frustrated? Do you use words or weapons? Words can be weapons as they are very hurtful at times. Weapons can be words as they speak volumes.
You have the ability to break the chain of bullying by correcting your own response to situations and setting a better example. Strength can be shown by using restraint, checking your initial reactions and taking a more mature and peaceful route to a solution. This is something we can all do, at any age and at any time.