Sun Safety Tips for Men

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Men, especially those with lighter skin, are more likely than anybody else to get skin cancer, including melanoma—the deadliest kind of skin cancer. When you think sun protection, you might think about a day at the beach. But over your lifetime, you get sun exposure doing everyday things like biking, working, running, or even mowing … Continued

A Few Tips for Men Who Want to Slim Down

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Slimming down can be hard if you don’t know where to start. Here, are three tips that will guide you through your weight loss journey and make sure it’s successful. 1. Eat More! Adding food to your meals is crucial. Make sure to add more veggies, water and fish to your diet so you get … Continued

Remembering to Remember

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By Susan Heckler Your memory shapes your identity as well as holds a record of your entire life. Your ability to form memories does not occur until around the age of five. Supposedly anyone can become a memory master by training their brain. Essentially, what you’re doing is improving and expanding the connectivity between different … Continued

Egg Freezing – Can I Conquer My Biological Clock?

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“My biological clock is ticking…” How often do we in the fertility field hear this statement? Ironically, in today’s fast-paced society, the answer is actually: Not Enough! For the aging of a female’s eggs, or “ovarian reserve”, is the most inevitable factor in all of reproductive medicine. Yet it is often ignored, especially when the … Continued

Period Pains and Painkillers

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By, Lauren Kolacki Once a month women experience their hormone levels drop and the thickened lining of their uterus shedding from their body. This is accompanied by mood swings, chocolate cravings and intense pressure in their abdomen. Life must go on, despite your lack of ambition, so it is easiest to pop a couple of … Continued


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KNEE PAIN Dr. Scott Paris QUESTION: Can amniotic stem cell therapy help my knee pain? Millions of patient suffer with knee pain due to arthritis. The options for treatment, until now, have been limited to physical therapy, steroid injections, viscosupplementation injections, or joint replacement surgery. Central Jersey Spine & Wellness now offers a new cutting-edge … Continued

Turf Toe

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By, Lauren Kolacki In order to become an exceptional athlete, you make yourself susceptible to the risk factors that accompany re- silient training and cut-throat games. Concussions in foot- ball, torn ACL’s in basketball, twisted ankles in soccer are all recognized as common injuries in sports. One of the less common injuries that athletes encounter … Continued

End of Summer Beauty Tips

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By, Mia Ingui Although your skin may be shimmering with a deep tan or your hair may be highlighted with sun streaks, there is always room for some end-of-summer beauty tips to make the summer glow last even past August. Here are some helpful beauty pointers! 1. To help heal sunburn: The most effective way … Continued

How and When to Talk to Your Friends About Their Mental Health

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By: Anupa Mohan When you log onto social media, chances are you’ll see quiet a few posts sharing a suicide helpline number, fol- lowed by statuses encouraging people to reach out to their friends instead of posting a number to a helpline. While mental health help lines are amazing resources, they aren’t the only resource. … Continued

Broken Hearts are Real

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By, Erin Mumby It turns out that broken hearts are real! Stress cardiomyopathy, also known as broken heart syndrome, is when intense stress causes severe heart muscle weakness. It’s a temporary heart condition caused by stressful situations. The stressors that cause this can be either emotional or physical. Emotional stressors include grief, fear, surprise, and … Continued