Can Drinking Milk Be Harmful? Dairy Facts Revealed

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By Brianna Siciliano People always wonder about the health benefits and concerns with dairy. In the past, there have been drastic trending weight-loss programs designed to exclude dairy products from daily diets, like the Paleo Diet. Many people on the program lost weight, but in the long-run, their bones suffered. Dairy products are essential for bone … Continued

Live Long and Prosper – Medical Breakthroughs in 2014

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By Susan Heckler The medical, scientific and healthcare communities are always busy trying to find new cures and new technology to assist patients and medical professionals to manage patient care. Some of the big breakthroughs for 2014 are: • Newly-developed drugs called “B-cell receptor pathway inhibitors” have been highly effective in treating low-grade B-cell lymphomas and … Continued

What Is COPD? How Does It Affect Breathing?

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COPD is a serious lung disease that, over time, makes it hard to breathe. You may also have heard COPD called other names, like emphysema or chronic bronchitis. In people who have COPD, the airways—tubes that carry air in and out of your lungs—are partially blocked, which makes it hard to get air in and … Continued

Medication Safety for Children

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By Jennifer Cochran Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. It maybe frightening to give a young child certain medications knowing that too much or too little can cause serious side effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double- checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and prevent dangerous reactions. Using … Continued

What Is Colorectal Cancer Screening?

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By Brianna Siciliano A screening test is used to look for a disease when a person doesn’t have symptoms. (When a person has symptoms, diagnostic tests are used to find out the cause of the symptoms.) Colorectal cancer almost always develops from precancerous polyps (abnormal growths) in the colon or rectum. Screening tests can find precancerous polyps, so that they can be removed before … Continued

Can Drinking Milk Be Harmful? Dairy Facts Revealed

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By Brianna Siciliano People always wonder about the health benefits and concerns with dairy. In the past, there have been drastic trending weight-loss programs designed to exclude dairy products from daily diets, like the Paleo Diet. Many people on the program lost weight, but in the long-run, their bones suffered. Dairy products provide sources of … Continued

QUESTION: What is the best way to remove unwanted hair?

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Getting rid of unwanted hair permanently, until now, was known to be costly and painful. We offer the new SopranoXL which is a Pain Free, Hair Free™ laser system. This state-of-the-art procedure was specially designed to permanently reduce unwanted hair faster, more comfortably and with fewer visits. Our laser is effective for all skin types and … Continued

QUESTION: What makes one eye doctor different from another?

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One of the essentials to a medical practice is prevention and early detection of issues. Once diagnosed, your physician can treat your symptoms and work toward your cure. Dr. Steve Linker of Monmouth Vision Associates is currently a member of the New Jersey Society of Optometric Physicians and the American Optometric Association. His optometric training … Continued

QUESTION: When should I see a fertility doctor?

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There are many factors that would suggest a trip to a fertility specialist would be a good idea. You should consider your partner’s age, whether you are generally healthy, the method of birth control you’ve been using up until the point you decided to try to become pregnant, and you and your partner’s family medical … Continued

QUESTION: I have been experiencing heel pain in the morning and occasional sensitivity when I walk. Are these symptoms serious and will they go away on their own?

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The possible causes are: plantar fasciitis, a stress fracture, tendonitis, arthritis, nerve irritation, or, rarely, a cyst. It is important to have heel pain accurately diagnosed by a podiatrist who is able to determine the underlying source of your heel pain. Chances are you have plantar fasciitis or heel spurs. The pain is caused by … Continued