Let Your Weekend End Your Week

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By Susan Heckler Do you ever measure what you manage to accomplish each day?  Are you impressed or incredibly stressed? For most people, Monday through Friday is a tight schedule, cramming in the obligations at work with your responsibilities at home. Between your killer commute, long hours at the office, managing your home, shopping for the … Continued

Learn More About You

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By Brianna Siciliano The definition of being self-aware is understanding your habits, behaviors, motivations, thought processes, emotional reactions, and personality. People who have great self-knowledge understand what their strengths, weaknesses, fears, passions, likes, dislikes, thoughts, feelings, core beliefs, talents, and desires are. Developing self-awareness is an important skill to acquire. Imagine how confident you will … Continued

Are You Questioning Where It Is Best to Put Your Aging Parent?

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By Susan Heckler QUESTION: My mother is at risk living at home alone but does not need a nursing home. The atmospheres in the assisted living facilities I have toured have residents that are much lower functioning than her.  Is there an in-between place where my mom can be safe and live with other residents … Continued

QUESTION: What gives the best results for skin tightening?

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As we age we lose volume, primarily fat.  It is noticeable in our face but also elsewhere in our body. Add gravity to the loose skin and it creates droopiness, wrinkles and bands. Many people opt for liposuction or plastic surgery because the underlying muscles need to be addressed and repositioned. There are less invasive … Continued

QUESTION: What can be done for painful varicose veins?

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Mechanico Chemical Ablation offers a high level of efficiency and is a less painful treatment of varicose veins. This is possible through a new device—ClariVein—the latest technological innovation in the treatment of varicose veins. No bleeding, no bruising and no pain. You can even return to work the same day. It really is as simple … Continued

QUESTION: Why Is Thermography Considered the Best Breast Test?

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Studies show that a thermogram identifies precancerous or cancerous cells earlier than mammograms, and produces unambiguous results, which cuts down on additional testing—and it doesn’t hurt the body. Thermography’s accuracy and reliability is remarkable too according to the American Journal of Surgery and the American Society of Breast Surgeons, Cornell. Thermography can be used as … Continued

Elective Surgery…Do the Pros Outweigh the Cons?

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By Brianna Siciliano There are many types of elective surgeries­—procedures that are not emergencies and can be planned in advanced—including: plastic surgeries (reconstruction and cosmetic procedures), refractive surgeries (laser surgery to correct vision problems), gynecological surgeries (a hysterectomy or a tubal ligation), exploratory or diagnostic surgeries (removes tissue samples for biopsies), cardiovascular surgeries (angioplasty), musculoskeletal … Continued

QUESTION: Fertility Testing Is It Right For Me?

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You’ve been thinking of starting a family for some time now. But now you’ve noticed that it just isn’t happening as quickly as you thought it would. So you’re wondering… When should I think about seeing someone? There are many factors that would suggest a trip to a fertility specialist would be a good idea. … Continued