Question: Why and when do we use compression stockings?

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Nobody knows the exact reason why one develops varicose veins. Some of the reasons include: changes in the wall of the vein, its content, and their values in the veins. In addition, the position of the superficial vein and the volume of blood within the vein all contribute to the formation of varicose veins. The … Continued

Be a Fit Family – Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Family’s Routine

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Set Goals Have your family establish goals that everyone can achieve together. In the first few weeks, you may not achieve every goal, but if you stick with it, physical activity will become a part of your family’s routine. Set effective goals that are specific, achievable and forgiving. Rather than saying you will exercise more, … Continued

Be a Fit Family – Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Family’s Routine

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Set Goals Have your family establish goals that everyone can achieve together. In the first few weeks, you may not achieve every goal, but if you stick with it, physical activity will become a part of your family’s routine. Set effective goals that are specific, achievable and forgiving. Rather than saying you will exercise more, … Continued

Be a Fit Family — Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Family’s Routine

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Set Goals Have your family establish goals that everyone can achieve together. In the first few weeks, you may not achieve every goal, but if you stick with it, physical activity will become a part of your family’s routine. Set effective goals that are specific, achievable and forgiving. Rather than saying you will exercise more, … Continued

Tips for Preventing Sports Injury

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It seems every time you turn on the news, there is another freakish accident involving youth playing sports. In many cases, these accidents go beyond sprains and broken bones; some of the injuries are life threatening. There are some contact sports that you would expect injuries as a result. Football, hockey, lacrosse and other team … Continued

Question: My child has visual challenges. How can vision therapy help?

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Some visual conditions cannot be treated adequately with eyeglasses or contact lenses and are best resolved through a program of vision therapy. Treatment includes non-invasive procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control: • eye alignment • eye teaming • visual focusing abilities • eye tracking movements • visual processing • visual perception Visual-motor … Continued

Battling Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)

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Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a serious illness in which a person is preoccupied with minor or imaginary physical flaws, usually of the skin, hair, and nose. A person with BDD tends to have cosmetic surgery, and even if the surgery is successful, does not think it was and is unhappy with the outcome. Symptoms … Continued

QUESTION: How can a dentist help with my snoring?

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Snoring may be common but it is not normal. Snoring can be a red flag for sleep apnea. It is one of the symptoms along with shortness of breath that arouses you from sleep, sporadic pauses in your breathing during sleep, and disproportionate daytime drowsiness. If you have any of these signs, you need to … Continued

Talk to the Doctor: My child has visual challenges. How can vision therapy help?

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Some visual conditions cannot be treated adequately with eyeglasses or contact lenses and are best resolved through a program of vision therapy. Treatment includes non-invasive procedures designed to enhance the brain’s ability to control: • eye alignment • eye teaming • visual focusing abilities • eye tracking movements • visual processing • visual perception Visual-motor … Continued