Staying Sane in September

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By Russell Carstens The back to school season is hectic enough for kids, let alone parents. Keep your mental health in check during the transition with the following suggestions: Establish good homework habits. As the Tao Te Ching advises, handle things while they are small. Upon getting home, homework is not yet a pressing issue. … Continued

Parent Power: Build the Bridge to Success

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By adopting the following principles, you will be able to help your child learn at each step of the way and ensure success in school and in life. Be responsible. Accept your role as the parent and make education a priority in your home. Be committed. Once you have begun to work with your child, … Continued

Beware of Cosmetic Surgery Bargains Overseas

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By Susan Heckler The news reported yet another story about someone leaving the United States in search of plastic surgery in a foreign country to save some money. They have coined the term “medical tourism” since it has become so popular. Since elective cosmetic surgery procedures are not covered by insurance, expense is the major … Continued

Celery…the Perfect Food?

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Celery is one of those vegetables that get taken for granted. Let’s get up close and personal. Most of the plant is usable, the stalks as a crisp vegetable to be eaten raw or cooked, the leaves as a flavoring or dried as an herb, and the seeds as a spice. Celery has been used … Continued

Arthritis in Our Elders

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By Susan Heckler Arthritis is actually an umbrella term as there are many different kinds of arthritis; each with different symptoms and treatments. Most types of arthritis are chronic. Half of all people age 65 and older are troubled by this disease. The warning signs that you might have some form of arthritis if you … Continued

Mindful Eating

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When you are mindful, you are fully present, in-the-moment without judgment. When it comes to eating, mindfulness helps amplify the volume of your body’s cues so you can hear loud and clear when you are hungry and full. Many social and environmental factors can stand in the way of being able to accurately decode your … Continued

Family FYI: Medication Safety

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Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. It may be frightening to give a young child certain medications knowing that too much or too little can cause serious effects. But with a little knowledge and a lot of double-checking, you can give your kids medicine safely and prevent dangerous reactions. Using medications safely means knowing … Continued

Why Try Yoga?

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There are many branches of yoga, a 5,000 year old discipline from India. Regardless of which type you choose, yoga is an excellent way to stretch and strengthen your body, focus your mind, and relax your spirit. No style is better than another; it’s 
a matter of personal preference. Yoga has been known to increase … Continued

Soaking Up the Sun

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An entire industry has evolved to help us avoid the sun and the harm it can do to our health. Sunscreen, sunblock, special clothing, eye wear and hats have been researched and designed so our bodies are not exposed to the sun’s rays. These products are marketed to us and pray upon our fears, with … Continued