In the Heat of the Moment

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Congratulations, you have survived the ‘Winter from Hell.’ The trees are budding and the first signs of spring have sprung. It seems a long way away, but we need to start thinking about summer and the hot weather. Heat Awareness Day is May 23, 2014. Anyone who is exposed to extreme heat or hot environments … Continued

Digestive Wellness – Avoiding Tummy Troubles

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There is so much information floating around about digestive wellness that deciphering it all can make you sick to your stomach. Back in ‘the day,’ you ate what you ate and suffered the consequences. We knew little about the connection between the food we ate and how we feel, physically and emotionally. Many people are … Continued

Got Water? Experts Say Kids Need Just as Much as Adults!

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Their bodies may be smaller, but that doesn’t mean they can skimp on drinking water. In fact, it’s more important than ever, experts say, to make sure children are properly hydrated.“The standard recommendations are for children to get six to eight glasses of water per day,” says Dr. Melina Jampolis, CNNHealth’s Diet and Fitness expert. “Mild … Continued

Prostate Cancer Screening: Questions for the Doctor

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Prostate cancer is a type of cancer that mostly affects older men. After skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. Many men have questions about prostate cancer screening (testing). Even though prostate cancer is common, screening for it isn’t recommended. The information below can help you start a conversation about prostate … Continued

10 Things Science Says Will Make You Happy

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By Jen Angel In the last few years, psychologists and researchers have been digging up hard data on a question previously left to philosophers: What makes us happy? Researchers like the father-son team Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener, Stanford psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, and ethicist Stephen Post have studied people all over the world to find … Continued

How Strong Is Your Family?

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By Susan Heckler Cultural changes have transformed the typical family. More single parent families, more grandparents picking up the slack of busy or missing parents. Growing pressures conspire against keeping families strong; two income families took Mom away from the home. The whole family is plugged in to the Internet and electronics; the art of … Continued

CentraState Encourages You to Save a Life ─ Recognize the Common Signs of Stroke

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In recognition of National Stroke Awareness Month during May, CentraState Medical Center is encouraging everyone to recognize the signs of stroke to help save a life. While significant inroads have been made in the prevention and treatment of strokes, the after-effects can still be debilitating or irreversible. In fact, stroke is the fourth- leading cause … Continued

QUESTION: How do I know if I have flat feet?

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If you have flat feet, you are among 20-30% of the population. The foot is an intricate structure containing 26 bones with thirty-three joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and multiple tendons that hold the structure together. Having flat feet can also be called fallen arches. The tendons attach at the heel and foot bones to … Continued

QUESTION: What is a palatal expander and when is it used?

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These days it seems that everybody gets a palatal expander. A palatal expander is an appliance against the roof of the mouth that widens (expands) the top jaw (maxilla). It can be fixed, glued in or removable, where the patient can take it in and out. Generally, the removable appliance is used when slow and … Continued

Six Years in the E.R.? This Woman’s Story Is Killer…

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What would you do if you ended up in in the E.R. with severe pain, every month for 6 years like this woman? Knowing around the same time of the month, every month, for all of those years, it would come and cause her nothing but agony and suffering for days. She writes, “No doctor … Continued