The Be-All, Cure-All, Fix-All in a Jar; Vaseline

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By: Susan Heckler Vaseline has been a household product for many generations. Its journey started in 1859, when a 22 year old chemist from Brooklyn, New York named Robert A. Chesebrough, went to Pennsylvania to investigate an oil well. Chesebrough, like many others, was hoping to find a way to earn profit out of the … Continued

Negotiate It!

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By: Susan Heckler Are you one of those consumers who hate to haggle? It just isn’t in your nature to negotiate a deal…you never know what to say or how to say it. Help has arrived! A new app for your Smartphone, “Negotiate It” can show you how to do it. Ramit Sethi, author of … Continued

Peppery Thoughts on Capsicum

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By: Susan Heckler Capsicum is a biological classification of some flowering plants in the nightshade family. Potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, tamarios, pepinos, pimentos, paprika, and cayenne peppers are classified as nightshade foods. “Nightshade” is actually the common name used to describe over 2,800 species of plants. All of the plants, … Continued

Pressing the Issue of Panini’

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By: Susan Heckler Have you ever noticed that each year a new food trend appears? With that trend comes new kitchen equipment to prepare, serve, store, instruct and anything else you can imagine profiting from. Think back….1950’s was the decade of the casserole, 1960’s was fondue and French influence thanks to Julia Child, the 1970’s … Continued