Clearing Up the Facts About Teen Acne 

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By Brianna Siciliano Everyone struggles with less than perfect skin. In today’s world, we are constantly taking and sharing photos of ourselves with each other. The pressure to have clean and clear skin is always on, and when our skin is not clear, our self-esteem lowers. Pimples can be painful and embarrassing, but clearing up … Continued

Hazing Versus Team Building: How Can Parents Prevent the Abuse?

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By Brianna Siciliano When involved in sports, people often find themselves trying to “prove that they deserve to be on the team.” Many people who perpetrate hazing feel that new teammates need to be aggressive so that they can be initiated into the group. Hazing, however, is the worst way to handle a situation like … Continued

Advice to Help Your Student Athlete Find the Perfect College 

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By Brianna Siciliano When searching for the perfect college match for a student athlete, it is important to keep all the factors that colleges have to offer in mind. Student athletes are still students, after all; they will still have to pay attention academically, complete homework assignments, and study for tests while pursuing their athletic … Continued

Are Time Outs Not Working? Try These Alternatives!

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By Brianna Siciliano Every young child acts out for attention, whether it was a temper tantrum in a restaurant, an argument with their sibling that becomes physical, or a normally cooperative child becoming uncooperative. Parents often wonder what to do in these situations, wondering if a time out is the best option. Sometimes, children find … Continued

Having Happy Kids

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You do not have to look very far to learn how to be happy. Happiness is one of the most valuable lessons parents can teach their kids. Do your kids see you as a happy person? If you are looking for happiness notice who around you seems to be happy all day? That’s right- kids! … Continued

QUESTION: Can my child still eat Halloween candy with braces?

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As popular as Halloween is, ironically October is also National Orthodontic health month. In the spirit of the sweet and spooky holiday, Dr Olcay suggests being careful with braces and Halloween treats.All those sweet, sour, and sticky candies may taste great, but these treats are known to damage teeth, as well as break braces, as … Continued

Should Schools Start Later in the Day?

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By Susan Heckler Waking up a school age child at any time is not an easy task.  Let’s face it, they all want to stay up late and they all require lots of sleep. In actuality, waking a sleepy parent up to wake a sleepy student up is a double whammy. Research from the 1990’s … Continued

Summer Is Gone — Why Some Kids Are Glad

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By Pam Teel It’s time to put away the shovels, pails, sun lotion and trips to the beach to get ready for another promising school year. If you’ve gone to the stores lately, you see shelves upon shelves of notebooks, binders and school supplies. It’s time to make that not so smooth transition back into … Continued

Jamie’s Parenting Tips: 10 Must-Have Skills to Be a Great Parent

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1. Know where your child is. Know where they are, who they are with, who is in charge, and when they’ll be home. This is critical especially for young teens. 2. Get to know your children’s friends. Where your child spends their time, and who they spend it with will have a deep impact on … Continued