Summer Is Gone — Why Some Kids Are Glad

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By Pam Teel It’s time to put away the shovels, pails, sun lotion and trips to the beach to get ready for another promising school year. If you’ve gone to the stores lately, you see shelves upon shelves of notebooks, binders and school supplies. It’s time to make that not so smooth transition back into … Continued

Young Children Need Special Back-to-School Attention

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As the vacation season winds down and parents are getting their children ready to go back-to-school, their thoughts turn from swimming and campfires to backpacks and books. Gone will be the warm summer nights and kicked back schedules to the rigors and structure of the classroom. For young children especially, this can be a tough … Continued

Young Children Need Special Back-to-School Attention

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As the vacation season winds down and parents are getting their children ready to go back-to-school, their thoughts turn from swimming and campfires to backpacks and books. Gone will be the warm summer nights and kicked back schedules to the rigors and structure of the classroom. For young children especially, this can be a tough … Continued

Staying Sane in September

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By Russell Carstens The back to school season is hectic enough for kids, let alone parents. Keep your mental health in check during the transition with the following suggestions: Establish good homework habits. As the Tao Te Ching advises, handle things while they are small. Upon getting home, homework is not yet a pressing issue. … Continued

Be a Fit Family – Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Family’s Routine

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Set Goals Have your family establish goals that everyone can achieve together. In the first few weeks, you may not achieve every goal, but if you stick with it, physical activity will become a part of your family’s routine. Set effective goals that are specific, achievable and forgiving. Rather than saying you will exercise more, … Continued

Be a Fit Family – Make Physical Activity a Part of Your Family’s Routine

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Set Goals Have your family establish goals that everyone can achieve together. In the first few weeks, you may not achieve every goal, but if you stick with it, physical activity will become a part of your family’s routine. Set effective goals that are specific, achievable and forgiving. Rather than saying you will exercise more, … Continued

Tips for Preventing Sports Injury

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It seems every time you turn on the news, there is another freakish accident involving youth playing sports. In many cases, these accidents go beyond sprains and broken bones; some of the injuries are life threatening. There are some contact sports that you would expect injuries as a result. Football, hockey, lacrosse and other team … Continued

Manners Are the Way to Brighten Up Everyone’s Day

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If parents begin teaching manners when their children are toddlers, by the time the kids are in kindergarten they will have mastered the basics. The following is a list of table manners that your child should have a good grasp of by age six. • Wash their hands and face before sitting down to the … Continued

Cain Wasn’t Able – Avoiding Sibling Jealousy

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By Susan Heckler Being a parent can be an endless challenge. We need to balance being a loving guardian and yet instill morals, ethics and values in our children, all the while keeping them out of harm’s way. As if that isn’t hard enough, we also need to take into account how our children perceive … Continued

Breaking the Bullying Cycle

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By Susan Heckler Bullying comes in several forms; it can be physical violence, verbal, or emotional abuse. Sometimes it includes all. Verbal and emotional abuse can include name calling, continual fault-finding, never giving praise or not even granting one’s existence. Does anyone in your home feel threatened with physical harm if their behavior is not … Continued