How Can I Help My Child Develop Healthy Self-Esteem?

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By Brianna Siciliano As children grow older, they become more and more observant. They listen to what other people around them––especially their peers––have to say. Kids pick up on all sorts of actions, beliefs, knowledge, and images, and unfortunately, sometimes these are not positive. How children feel about themselves can depend on many factors, including … Continued

Management and Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Children and Adolescents

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Managing chronic fatigue syndrome can be as complex as the illness itself. Options for treating and managing CFS may include treating the most disruptive symptoms such as fatigue due to sleep problems, pain, and lightheadedness. CFS symptoms can vary over time and may require periodic re-evaluation. Primary care providers can develop effective treatment plans based … Continued

When Your Child Stutters

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Experts agree that most children who stutter benefit from taking time to speak at a rate that promotes fluency. These guidelines represent a number of ways that adults around that child can help promote the child’s fluency. 1. Reduce the pace. Speak with your child in an unhurried way, pausing frequently. Wait a few seconds … Continued

Why Do Children Lie?

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Children might lie because they: Are not old enough to understand the difference between truth and untruth, and right or wrong. Fear of punishment or fear of losing their parents’ affection. Have low self-esteem and wanting to make themselves to sound better. Want to impress their friends and to fit in with the group. They … Continued

Math homework due tomorrow. How can I help?

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We know the importance of giving our children chances to connect with us. You should feel good if your child comes to you for help with math homework. If you’re unsure about math, don’t panic. There are still ways to help. Just keep reading. If you’re good at math, don’t take over. You’ll help most as a guide. No … Continued

How do I know if my child has Learning Related Vision Problems?

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People learn three ways; auditory, tactile/ kinesthetic, and visual. 65% of the population learns best visually. Did you know 80% of what a child learns in school is information that is presented visually? If your child’s vision is not at its best, they may not be seeing a large percentage of the information being offered for them to learn. Their minds may be churning, trying to clarify a … Continued

Top Safe Baby Teething Remedies

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By Stefanie Maglio No parent wants to see his or her baby in pain. Unfortunately this happens to come along with teething. Luckily, there are many different options to consider when it comes to relieving the pain, but avoiding potentially harmful chemical remedies is very important especially with babies. Here are some safe ways to … Continued

How do I know if my child has Learning Related Vision Problems?

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People learn three ways; auditory, tactile/ kinesthetic, and visual. 65% of the population learns best visually. Did you know 80% of what a child learns in school is information that is presented visually? If your child’s vision is not at its best, they may not be seeing a large percentage of the information being offered for them to learn. Their minds may be churning, trying to clarify … Continued

Moms Just Wanna Have Fun with their Daughters

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By Stefanie Maglio There is nothing like building a strong relationship between a mother and her daughter. Not only is a mom a parent to her daughter, but a mother is someone the daughter should be able to go to in a time of need, trust no matter what, feel safe with, and be able … Continued