My child has a concussion – now what do I do?

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Dr. David Bertone db Orthopedic Physical Therapy   My child has a concussion – now what do I do? The incidence of concussion in youth sports continues to rise, and parents are often left with trying to navigate the process on their own. The highest incidence rate occurs in football, boys’ ice hockey, girls’soccer and … Continued

Give Kids a Break Enjoy Time Off with a Vacation at a Summer Camp

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Summer camps can be a great way for your kids and grandkids to relax and unwind after a hard year at school.  Those camps can provide fun, interesting things to see and do, and the best kinds of learning experiences. At summer camp, kids can get back to nature, hike through the woods, learn how … Continued

Millstone Kindergarteners learn a “How-To” lesson

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By Pam Teel   On Thursday, February 19th, Ms. Angellella’s Kindergarten class, along with the other kindergarten classes, got first hand instructions on how to make a pizza from Mary Costagliola, owner of Vesuvio’s Pizza and Restaurant in Millstone Township, and her son Frank. Prior to their visit, the children were working hard on their … Continued

Ways to Maximize Family Time

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By Brianna Siciliano Day by day we spend hours in traffic and in the company of co-workers, and sometimes it feels like we never get to spend any time with our family. We say ‘family comes first,’ but there is hardly any time in our busy days to spend with the most important people in … Continued

Ways to Maximize Family Time

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By Brianna Siciliano Day by day we spend hours in traffic and in the company of co-workers, and sometimes it feels like we never get to spend any time with our family. We say ‘family comes first,’ but there is hardly any time in our busy days to spend with the most important people in … Continued

Fun Winter Activities for Kids with Special Needs

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By Brianna Siciliano Special needs children can have loads of fun in the winter! No matter what level your child is at, you can find creative, exciting activities that your child will love to do. Participating in winter activities––and taking loads of pictures and videos to document your child’s activities––is a great way to help … Continued

Fun Indoor Activities for Winter

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By Brianna Siciliano The winter weather tends to trap us indoors time after time, and when this happens, most of us are frustrated and annoyed. Being trapped indoors might not have been fun in the past, but it will be fun from now on! Here are a number of engaging, entertaining activities to do inside … Continued

Teen Dating Violence 

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By Susan Heckler When your children mature and start having romantic relationships, it is the perfect time to sit them down and explain the difference between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy one.  Hopefully you are all blessed to be in a healthy, loving, respectful relationship with your significant other. If you are, you may … Continued

School Answers – A Parent’s Secret Weapon

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By Susan Heckler Many people have stand-out children. Some stand out as being gifted and talented while others stand out with struggles or disabilities. While the public school system does its best to teach and manage the education of their students, sometimes a little extra assistance is needed. School Answers has recently opened up in … Continued

Snowy Activities that Everyone Will Love

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By Brianna Siciliano Snow only falls a few times a year, some years more than others. Sometimes we look at snow as a setback from our daily lives, as if snow is taking away excitement from our plans. In reality, it’s the total opposite! Spending a day in the snow can (and will) bring joy, … Continued