Singles Day

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By Lauren Kolacki Singles’ Day also known as ‘bare sticks holiday’ was once a celebration for China’s lonesome individuals. It was founded by Nanjing University students in 1993, to repudiate the pressure to be in a relationship. Throughout the years it has turned into an event that replicates Black Friday and Cyber Monday, however, it … Continued

MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS Coaches Natalia and Nastia Kerpenkova

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By Pam Teel Nastia and her mother Natalia Kerpenkova coach and manage the Garden State Trampoline Academy located at the Black Bear Lake Day Camp in Millstone Township, NJ. Natalia was born and raised in a small town in Gomel, Belarus. (The Gomel region of Belarus borders Russia in the east and the Ukraine in … Continued

Grieving The Living

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By Sheli Monachhio Grief is described as deep sorrow, usually after someone dies. We’ve all lost loved ones at one point or another and the stages of emotions that people go through when grieving are those of denial, anger, guilt, depression and acceptance. These are not necessarily in order and may repeat during the bereavement … Continued

The Simple Skin Care Routine That Actually Works

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By Sara Luberto We’ve all heard the term sometimes less is more. Well in-fact for skincare it most definitely is! Simple is Often Better. While 12-step routines are popular, they may not work any better than two or three steps. The fewer products to apply means fewer products you forget to use. So keeping it … Continued

5th Annual Rock for Rich Fundraiser

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By Pam Teel This year was the most touching spirited year ever for the 5th Annual Rock for Rich Event, a Musical Fundraiser in honor of former Millstone resident, Richard Baylor, who passed away in 2013 from the chronic disease Sarcoidosis. For years, Rich and his wife Marian hosted many Baylor Bashes in their backyard … Continued

Know Your Risk: November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

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By Freehold Family YMCA During National Diabetes Awareness Month, the Freehold Family YMCA is encouraging everyone to learn their risks for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes and to take preventive steps to potentially reduce their chances of developing the disease. Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more than one … Continued

How To Decide If You Really Want To Be a Mother

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By Susan Heckler For many women, the desire to be a mother is just an assumption. After all, doesn’t everyone want to be a parent? Apparently not! Parenthood is one of the most crucial decisions a woman will ever make. If is a lifetime commitment…24/7 for at least 18 years. You are no longer a … Continued

Secretary DeVos Takes Steps to Ensure State Report Cards Provide Accessible. Accurate and Transparent Information on How Schools are Performing

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U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos released in September important information on how local education leaders can make sure parents and caregivers have accurate and accessible information on how schools are performing in their state. The guide, Opportunities and Responsibilities for State and Local Report Cards, is aimed at assisting education leaders with the design … Continued

The Millstone Times STUDENT OF THE MONTH

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By Pam Teel Thirteen-year-old, Izzy Tonielli, attends Millstone Township Middle School. Her favorite subjects are science and social studies. She studies hard throughout the year and gets mostly A’s and high B’s. For the most part she loves school, but her least favorite subject is Math. Her favorite books to read are, Number the Stars … Continued