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Canine Costume Contests, Ruff Mudder Obstacle Course, Live Music, Games, Activities, Food Vendors and more will Highlight Festival Celebrate the joys of autumn—with or without your canine companion—and help raise funds for senior dogs at Marty’s Place Howl-o-Ween Family Fest. The third annual dog-friendly festival will be celebrated at Marty’s Place, located at 118 Route … Continued

Adding a Family Dog Is there a more special relationship than the one between child and dog? Fido just seems to understand that

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Adding a Family Dog Is there a more special relationship than the one between child and dog? Fido just seems to understand that kids require gentle care and patience. Despite sometimes rough treatment from young children who may not understand proper care, the family dog is forgiving, kind and ready to build a special bond. … Continued

Keep Your Pets Safe This Winter With These 3 Reminders

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By Sara Luberto Some dogs are more susceptible to the cold than others. Short-coated, thin, elderly, or very young dogs get cold more quickly – so adjust the amount of time they stay outside! Hypothermia and frostbite pose major risks to dogs in winter, so remember, if it is too cold for you, it is … Continued

Can Oolong Tea Extract Fight Breast Cancer?

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By: Lauren Kolacki Oolong tea extract has ‘great potential’ in the prevention of breast cancer, scientists believe because it was shown to stop tumors from growing at a lab at St. Louis University. Laboratory tests showed the Chinese tea, used for centuries for its supposed health benefits, stopped the growth of breast cancer cells. Researchers … Continued

Cold Temperature Good for Our Health?

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We all on the East Coast know that the cold weather is on its way. But, did you know that the cold temperatures benefit your health? Colder temperatures may help reduce allergies and inflammation and research has shown that it does help us think more clearly and perform daily tasks more efficiently. Another surprising fact … Continued


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Smiling, laughing and simply being happy can make all the difference for our hearts. In fact, new research shows that people with higher levels of optimism may be less at risk for heart failure than those who are more pessimistic. And with the breadth of heart failure’s effect on thenation – about 5.1 million Americans … Continued

The Ouch of Exercise: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

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By Susan Heckler You did it! You managed to squeeze in that long overdue workout and because you were feeling so good, you gave it your all and then some. The ‘Then Some’ has a name, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, affectionately known as DOMS. You feel great and invigorated for hours after your workout or … Continued

Raising Awareness About Breast Cancer

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By YMCA of Greater Monmouth County October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the Y is reminding all women in the community of the importance of having an annual mammogram and talking to your doctor about the proper method of self-examination to increase the chances of early detection. Getting screened for breast cancer is one … Continued

The Harmony Place

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By Pam Teel The Harmony Place is a nonprofit organization that was created with the sole purpose of helping individuals and families in a community environment who have suffered and are currently struggling with the long-lasting effects of debilitating traumas and PTSD. The organization was founded by Marvlyn Vincent, who is a survivor of abuse … Continued