DIY Bug Repellants

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By Lauren Kolacki Unfortunately, no matter how much you scrub and clean, bugs around the house are inevitable. With pets and small children, you might be reluctant to spray harmful pesticides all over. We have compiled a list of easy and effective DIY bug repellants that are safe to use around your family and pets. … Continued

4 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Your Teacher

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Teacher Appreciation Week is here! As a former teacher and in my current role engaging with teachers across Tennes- see, I love that we celebrate and recognize our teachers. In case you’re stumped for ways to meaningfully show your appreciation for the teachers in your life, here are a few sug- gestions…and most won’t cost … Continued

Max’s Minute

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The 2019 Final Four By Max Druckman The Final Four of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Men’s Basketball March Madness tournament is known for its intense unpredictability, excitement, and sometimes for the losing side, downright sadness. The 2019 edition did not disappoint. The four teams participating had beaten all the rest in the field of … Continued

Take a Veteran Fishing Day

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By Pam Teel The 3rd annual take a Veteran Fishing Day took place in May at Lake Julianna in Millstone Township. Mr. Vito Cardinale, CEO/President Cardinale Enterprises LLC, hosted the “Play HOOK-e” Take a Veteran Fishing Day event to honor veterans. The concept for the fishing day was thought of several years ago by Mr. … Continued

New Jersey Youth Soccer Celebrates Young Olympian Festival

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New Jersey Youth Soccer celebrated its Young Olympians Festival this past May, with 2008-09 players par- ticipating in an event that was hosted at Rider University. The youth in attendance, both boys and girls, com- peted in a small-sided game format with top talent from all over the state. The special guests gave them tips … Continued

New Earnings and Employment Data for College Graduates

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University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and University of Wisconsin-Madison Data Now Available in Post-Secondary Employment Outcomes The U.S. Census Bureau updated the Post-Secondary Employment Out- comes (PSEO) statistics with the release of earnings tabulations for the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In addition, the Census Bureau updated the PSEO visualization tool to … Continued

Allentown High School Redbird Robotics Team

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By Pam Teel During spring break, from April 24 through April 27, 2019, Allentown High School’s Redbird Robotics went to Detroit, Michigan, for the 2019 FIRST World Championship. Redbird Robotics Team 1807 is a member of FIRST Robotics Organization. FIRST stands for: For Inspiration and Rec- ognition of Science and Technology. FIRST’s mission is to … Continued

Don’t get Bitten by the Actions of your Dog

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Many of us own dogs as pets and companions. As such, we should all be familiar with the state of the law in New Jersey as it relates to the liability of dog owners for their dog’s actions. New Jersey, like many other states, has a “strict liability” dog bite statute. Basically, this means that, … Continued