Spring Forward to a Slimmer You!

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Lose up to 40 Pounds and Stubborn Fat with our Medical Weight Loss and Laser Program! With a combined 30 plus years of experience, Christine and Sheila have helped thousands who have struggled with losing weight. Their programs are 100% customized to your lifestyle, your body chemistry and your food preferences. Their methods are based … Continued

QUESTION: I was told I have a “Fatty Liver” and I may end up with cirrhosis!!! I don’t even drink alcohol. How is this possible?

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ANSWER:I was taught that fatty liver was the earliest manifestation of liver disease seen in alcoholism. In the last 10 years we have been seeing a new variation of fatty liver, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). It is estimated that 20% to 30% of the general population currently have NAFLD!! Obesity, diabetes, and the metabolic … Continued

Q: Can stretching exercises help plantar fasciitis?

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A: Stretching and strengthening exercises can help the ligament become more flexible and can strengthen muscles that support the arch, in turn reducing stress on the ligament. Exercises for plantar fasciitis may be especially helpful for reducing heel pain when you first get out of bed. Exercises to help prevent plantar fasciitis: While sitting, place … Continued

Q: How can Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Help Shoulder and Knee Pain?

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A: Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy also referred to as PRP Therapy, is a progressive non-surgical treatment to treat a variety of conditions including arthritis, ten- don injuries, and ligament injuries. PRP is part of a group of state-of-the-art treatments collectively referred to as Regenerative Medicine. PRP treats an injured area naturally using your body’s own … Continued


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By Brianna Siciliano The cold weather does not seem to be leaving anytime soon, and it seems like we are doing anything we can to keep warm: taking long, hot showers, drinking hot tea, coffee, and hot chocolate, and cuddling up with our children, spouses, pets, and blankets. Wouldn’t it be great to warm yourself … Continued


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Herbal medicine is a great way to boost and maintain your dog’s health. From tummy troubles to anxiety, herbal remedies are affective for treating a dog’s minor aches and pains. When administered correctly, these proven herbal remedies are safe for healing minor ailments in your pet. CHAMOMILE These tiny flowers pack a powerful punch. Ingested … Continued

CAUTION: Some Over-the-Counter Medicines May Affect Your Driving

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By Lauren Kolacki Anyone who operates a vehicle of any type—car, bus, train, plane, or boat needs to know there are over-the-counter medicines that can make you drowsy and can affect your ability to drive and operate machinery safely. Over-the-counter medicines are also known as OTC or non prescription medicines. All these terms mean the … Continued


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Thirteen municipalities in the 12th legislative district will receive more than $3.25 million in grants from the Department of Transportation, Assemblymen Ron Dancer and Rob Clifton announced today.“This funding will help get vital roadway projects moving and will make much-needed improvements for the benefit of motorists,” said Dancer (R-Ocean). The towns in Dancer and Clifton’s … Continued