French Green Bean and Pomegranate Salad

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Did you know that the antioxidant components in this fruit help keep bad cholesterol from accumulating and thus, keep the arteries clear of any clots? These clots are clear because pomegranates have the ability to make blood thinner.


• 1 large bag of French Green beans, washed • 1 tbsp olive oil
• 2 tsp garlic salt
• 3⁄4 cup of slivered almonds

• Pomegranate seeds to taste • Salt & Pepper to taste


  1. Bring a large pot of water to boil and blanch the green beans very quickly (about 2 minutes) until slightly softened but still very crisp to the bite. You’re going to keep cooking them in a sauté pan, so don’t cook them too much!
  2. Drain and place in a bowl of iced water, so that the green beans stop cooking.
  3. In a large sauté pan, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat.
  4. When warm, add the almonds and toast them slightly until they start to become golden brown.
  5. Drain the cold green beans and add to the sauté pan. Season with garlic salt.
  6. Sauté over high heat for 2-3 minutes, very quickly, so that the green beans are warm and coated with theother ingredients, but not soft.
  7. Do not overcook the green beans—you want them to be crisp and crunchy!
  8. Season with salt and pepper.
  9. Toss with pomegranate seeds.