Homeowner Fun Facts!

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Home is where the heart (and equity) is: 61.4% of the average American family’s net worth is in home equity.

  1. A homeowner’s net worth is over thirty times greater than that of a renter.
  2. TGIF! The best day of the week to list your home is Friday.
  3. Historically, the best month of the year to sell is April. Although we would dispute that –maybe it’s the most common month, but often sellers fare better in the ‘off months’ of summer and winter.
  4. In 2013, NAR reports that the median age of first-time buyers was 31. On average these buyers purchased a 1,670 square-foot home costing $170,000.
  5. According to a NAR Community Preference Survey, 78% of respon- dents said that the neighborhood is more important to them than the size of the home.
  6. 57% said they’d give up a home with a larger yard if they could have a shorter commute.
  7. NAR reports that 80% of home buyers believe their home is a good investment, 44 percent saying it’s better than stocks.
  8. 90% of home buyers who used the Internet to search for a home purchased through a real estate agent.
  9. And finally, don’t be so quick to change your brass to brushed nick- el! Brass doorknobs disinfect themselves. It’s called the oligodynam- ic effect: the ions in the metal have a toxic effect on spores, fungi, viruses, and other germs.