Importance of Prenatal Care

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If you’re expecting a new baby, you probably have lost sleep wondering if your home is properly prepared for your child’s debut. You have the nursery set up, a truckload of diapers and an ever-growing wardrobe for baby.

Your home is all set for the birth, but don’t forget the importance of your baby’s current home in your womb. Planned Parenthood says that the key to having a healthy baby is taking good care of your own health. Good choices give you a better chance to have a healthy, strong baby.

Fortunately there are many simple steps you can take to make this happen.


Everyone has heard that drinking and smoking while pregnant can be dangerous for your baby’s health.

Here are some lesser known dangers that may surprise you:

• Hot tubs: At least during your first trimester, stay out of hot tubs. They will raise your body temperature, which can harm your baby.

• Kitty litter: Kitty litter raises your risk of getting toxoplasmosis. It is caused by a parasite that is often found in litter. Infants who are born to

mothers with this disease can have serious complications.

• Vitamin A: The Teratology Society states that high levels of Vitamin A can cause birth defects in your child. Avoid sweet potatoes, fish and liver.


Prenatal vitamins are much better for your pregnancy than a regular multivitamin. They are packed with folic acid and iron, two vitamins that aid in prevention of birth defects and support your baby’s growth.

Exercising while pregnant is a bit tricky but still recommended for a healthy mom and baby. You don’t want to overdo it and raise your body temperature to unsafe levels. Some safe exercises include brisk walking, using an elliptical machine or swimming.


Your doctor visits may differ depending on your schedule and that of your doctor. Most physicians recommend one visit a month up until your 28th week.

After that, the visits should be more regular. That means a visit every two weeks until your 36th week. Then a visit every week until week 40 lets your physicians keep a close eye on your condition as baby’s arrival date nears