Millstone Troop 116 Welcomes Eagle Scouts

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By, Pam Teel

The scout leaders of Millstone Township, BSA troop 116, took great pleasure in announcing the five members who have completed their requirements for Eagle Scout. After having been examined by an Eagle Scout Board of Review, Victor Thomas Cappuzzo, Andrew James Iannaccone, Timothy Foo Siam, Robert Van Erem and William

Wang Zhao were found worthy of the rank of Eagle Scout.
Victor Cappuzzo fundraised, planned, and managed the construction of two durable, all weather picnic tables

for Abate Park in Millstone Township, NJ. The tables seat six people each and are both handicapped and stroller accessible. The tables benefitted the community by providing a much-needed place to sit and enjoy the park.

Timothy Foo Siam organized and landscaped the front and side yards of the Historical Thomas Baird Homestead in Millstone Township. The landscaping entailed the cleanup and creation of new flowerbeds and the planting of flowering plants, which enhanced the beauty of the property.

Andrew Iannaccone planned, organized, and managed three different activities to help the dedicated volunteers at Hope for Animals provide food and shelter for the cats they look after. Eight wooden outdoor cat shelters were constructed and donated to Hope for Animals to provide year round protection from the elements and predators for the feral cat colonies. To help provide food for the cats that the volunteers look after, Andrew set up a canned cat food drive at his high school, in his town and through his troop, and collected over 700 cans of donated cat food. A cat tree was constructed from the branches of a tree to provide a sturdy, natural activity area for cats in the Hope for Animals adoption room when they are not in cages.

Robert Van Erem designed, built, and installed a sign at the Brandywine Soccer Complex in Millstone Town- ship. With the assistance of a local craftsman and graphic artist, Robert created a four-foot by six-foot sign, which contains a field location map on the backside. The sign was designed using the local team colors and the map was created to assist visiting teams to locate the area in which they needed to go.

William Zhao planned and oversaw construction of a paver patio at the Historic Thomas Baird Homestead.
The patio is sixteen feet wide and five feet long and was built directly in front of the sheds entrance. The patio not only assists with the movement of heavy ma- chinery in and out of the shed but also adds to the overall aesthetic of the community building.

In honor of all of their achievements, the scouts will participate in an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Saturday, March 30th, which will commence at 11:00 am in the Millstone Primary Cafetorium located at 30 Schoolhouse Road, Millstone Township.

We here at the Millstone Times Newspaper are very proud of all of the young men’s achievements. Here’s to your future successes!