Recognizing If Your Newborn Is Ill

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The most important tip for assessing your baby’s health is remaining calm.

Be on the lookout for:

• Clean diapers. If your baby isn’t having bowel movement every 24 hours, there might be a larger issue. Your infant also should have at least six wet diapers every 24 hours.
• Nose bleeds
• Red skin around the base of the umbilical cord or belly button
• Rapid breathing
• Tinges of blue around the lips or fingernails
• Heavy bleeding around the site of circumcision
• Excessive diarrhea or vomiting
• Excessive twitching or jerky movements
• Refusal to eat
• Yellowing of the skin or eyes.

If your infant exhibits any of these signs, call a doctor immediately.
You might be a new parent, but your instincts should not be dismissed. If something feels wrong to you, follow up with a call to the doctor. You will never feel sorry you did.

Your doctor’s phone number, as well as phone numbers for your local hospital and the Poison Control hotline should be kept in a location that is easily accessible.


There are several items you should keep on hand that will help you treat minor discomforts and diagnose more serious issues. Never be without the following:
• Infant thermometers (ear and rectal)
• Hydrocortisone cream
• Rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, and tweezers
• Petroleum jelly
• Saline nose drops
• Nasal aspirator bulb.