Scientific Model of Coaching

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By, Lauren Kolacki

Growing up, our parents commit us to all different types of activities. Sports, theater, clubs, they’re motivated to help us find our niche. Along the way we discover something much more than that. We build friendships, develop a work ethic and are introduced to experiences that result in life lessons. Our coaches become our mentors who contribute to shaping the individuals we become as adults.

The majority of us grow up and no longer play those sports, participate in theater or are involved in clubs, the memories remain with us, but we begin to lose the motivation that accompanied having a coach constantly encouraging and guiding us. It’s ironic, being the majority of us need coaching in adult- hood much more than we did when we were 12.

Roselyne Katter is a French clinical psychologist who under- stands the irony in that. With 30 years of coaching experi- ence, Roselyn Kattar wrote, Coaching, a scientific method. In this work she explains how beneficial it could be to have a life coach as they help clients to define their problem according to their own perception, find their own solution and strategy and then support them in the implementation of their own project. This is relevant at any age and in any situation.

The Scientific Model in coaching is a process that allows the client to define their goal, elaborate a strategy to attain the goal, reinforce their motivation to realize the plan, realize actions step by step and all along the process evaluate and adjust. Ultimately, making a change or handling a problem is in the individuals own hands, however, with the encouragement from a life coach, you most likely will.