A SolarSwim pool heating system harnesses the largest source of free energy available: The Sun! Solar energy is the most cost effective, environmentally friendly option to eliminate high heating costs and truly enjoy your backyard pool. Your family can enjoy extended sea- sons of warm and welcoming pool water from May until October and once you have your system, heating costs and maintenance concerns are eliminated. SolarSwim will conduct a free energy analysis of your pool to determine how your family can benefit from this durable and proven technology.
There are different styles of solar heating installations to fit the needs of any homeowner, including hybrid systems for homes utilizing solar electric arrays. SolarSwim is the largest and oldest thermoplastics contractor in New Jersey with over 1000 systems currently in service, some exceeding 25 years, proving this to be a one-time, low cost, permanent solution
A SolarSwim pool heating system takes advantage of the largest There are different types of solar heating systems to fit the needs of any to the cold pool blues!
Company President Bob Griffin explains how their company can provide both savings and comfort hand-in-hand. “An average 700 square foot pool in New Jersey running a 2hp pump can consume over $3000 in gas or propane plus about $800 in electric,. The addition of a Solar Heating System paired with a new energy efficient pool pump can cut costs of operation to under $300 per year while increasing the enjoyment of your pool and the value of your home!”
Entertain more, exercise more, bring your backyard resort to life! Call SolarSwim today, New Jersey’s more recommended pool heating company. Our decades of experience can help you enjoy a comfortable, affordable and sustainable heated pool all season long. Call today! because life is too short to swim in a cold pool!